What To Know About ACT’S Upcoming SNAP Photographic Art Auction

Alexander McLeod, Understanding, 2024.

On Friday, March 21st, Canada's largest HIV service organization ACT hosts its annual SNAP auction in support of its crucial work. If you've subscribed for a while, you'll know the names of many of the participating photographers whose pieces are up for bid, including Kristin Sjaarda and Delali Cofie. 

I've also mentioned the artist Alexander McLeod in previous dispatches, and as a friend of the auction and ongoing creative contributor, I reached out to ask him a few questions about what folks can expect at this year's event and of course, what this style sage would recommend in terms of attire.

How would you describe your practice?

Fundamentally digital, although I think the term digital artist has been overshadowed by NFT artists. I'm just a weirdo who makes weird stuff on the computer.

I'm heavily inspired by nature – the interconnectivity of everything, and I find comfort in using 3D software to work out some of the things I've seen or thought about in a way that has a visual grounding in reality, but exists in another world. A waking dream for the sleepless.

What are some of your favourite recent projects?

I love any time I can collaborate with other artists. Often times, it's musicians. Orxstra is a partnership between fashion/costume designer Tala Kamea and myself; we've been working on some special collaborations that I'm very proud of. 

Working so closely creatively with someone you admire feels like a whole new way of learning. You're being presented with opportunities that push your brain in directions it has wanted to go but hasn't yet. Life is short – let's squeeze it!

How has your relationship with SNAP grown over the years? Why did you participate the first time, and why do you still participate?

I try to say yes to as much as I can, and almost always when it's for a good cause that has reverberative effects. I believe I first participated in 2010 when I started working with a commercial gallery in Toronto. As an emerging artist at the time, it was a mutually beneficial opportunity to be in the room as well as give back to it. I participate anytime I'm asked because I am very passionate about the cause, and have confidence in the organization. It's a beautiful evening, and sharing love and appreciation is the vibe.

What can people expect at this year's SNAP?

Great question, I think they can expect incredible energy, art and a beautiful evening of community. Often I go alone and run into old friends, but it's a great place to bring someone and make new friends, too. Conversation starters around outfits/adornments are my go-to.

Finn O’Hara, Large Yellow Lady’s Slippers, 2024.

What are some pieces you're most excited about being in the auction this year?

Large Yellow Lady's Slippers by Finn O'Hara [above]. It's a beautiful photograph composition but also reminds me of my father, who was very passionate about orchids and brought me to society meetings. They are such interesting creatures; their peculiar habitats and biomimicry are fascinating.

And tell me about your work in the auction, Understanding. What are you exploring in this piece?

I guess as I grow, I question why we're here and what this is all about more and more. What's beyond and what's before, below and above. I have been spending a lot of time being inspired by the ocean, and subconsciously created an underwater garden with pearls and flower-like corals. I've been working with materials that I wouldn't otherwise use – that have less of a grounding in reality – maybe as a way to feel out an understanding of how little we understand.

You mentioned conversations about outfits earlier, and I'm putting together a Style Highlights post about SNAP after the event. What wardrobe advice do you have for folks who are attending for the first time, or perhaps are feeling like they're in a dressing rut right now?

Oh wow, I wish I could have a conversation with everyone that is attending that isn't sure. My standard is to treat your clothes like armour if you're shy, or more of an introvert. If you're in-between or a little more extroverted, then please feel free to show that in what you wear! More is more – look at birds, they are probably the most stylish creatures and they make it look effortless. 

We are in a really cool time where designers are selling cuffs that look like packing tape and shoes that look like they are made from multiple shoes. I feel like anything goes – respectfully, of course. Don't feel like you have to keep up with a trend, or like you are out of touch with what's going on. You are the boss of yourself, and your look can celebrate what's inside of you! This world is grey and scary sometimes, so consider it your civic duty to brighten not only your own reflection but cast joy in a stranger's eyes!

Buy your tickets for SNAP here.


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